Can I study law with ADHD? - Interview with ADHD Lawyer Courtney Duncil

Can I study law with ADHD? - Interview with ADHD Lawyer Courtney Duncil

In this episode of the show, we'll be speaking with Courtney who is an ADHD lawyer with a passion for acting.

We respect Courtney A LOT for her persistence. This interview will be proof to all the ADHDers out there with a passion for the law that it's entirely possible for them to follow through if they really want it and that they shouldn't listen to naysayers...

In fact, this is a pattern that I see continuously in the comments of popular ADHD videos where people regret listening to those who scared them off from following their passion because of ADHD.

Enjoy the video.

Get in touch with Courtney on Instagram: @courtneyduncil

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