Do you struggle with eating consistently? Are you tired of feeling out of sync with your eating habits and being unable to explain why? You’re not alone!
We at ADHDoers have created something special for you: “The ADHDers Guide to Eating Consistently.” Say ‘goodbye’ to boring, generic nutrition advice that just doesn’t cut it for us ADHDers, and ‘hello’ to a fresh take by an ADHD expert who truly gets it!

What Will You Learn?

Who Is Your Instructor ?
Prepare to be inspired by the knowledge and expertise of our distinguished webinar speaker.

Becca Kerber
Registered dietitian Certified intuitive eating councillor Diagnosed with combined-presentation ADHD F***ing done with diet culture
Meet Becca Kerber, who’s not only a registered dietitian but a combined-type ADHDer! She’s done with the unrealistic diet cultures and is ready to reveal the secrets of her intuitive eating framework!